AI in the Wild

How Cherry Pick is Reinventing the Business of Beauty (feat. Justin Stewart)

Episode Summary

In this episode, I sit down with Justin Stewart the Co-Founder & CEO of to learn how his company is reinventing the business of beauty, in a social-first world. By transforming comments on social content across platforms, into predictive purchase intent for product SKUs, they give brands and retailers real and live, insight into what their customers want at any given time. Once a professional model himself, Justin draws inspiration from his past life, and now leverages his background in economics, game theory, and data science to create ML models that provide retail enterprise clients a holistic view of their target demographic.

Episode Notes

During my conversation with Justin, I learn how professional modeling and data modeling are not as different as one might think, and I get an inside look into how Justin and the Cherry Pick team think about the future of retail and commerce. The way customers interact and engaged with products is constantly changing and it's important for every brand track the intent behind each brand they create.

Topics touch on are as follows,

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